WCM Series Part-III
Next loco is WCM 3. It was a unsuccessful locomotive. It was built by Hitachi. Auxiliaries by Westinghouse and North Boyce.Built in...

WCM Series Part-II
Next loco is WCM 2. It was manufactured by English Electric / Vulcan Foundry. Auxiliaries by Westinghouse (compressor, etc.) and...

WCM Series Part-I
First locomotive in this series is categorized as WCM 1. It was manufactured by English Electric / Vulcan Foundry. Auxiliaries from...

What's WCM? WCM stands for Wide Gauge, DC traction, Mixed type (means suitable for both goods and passenger service). Now what's DC...

WDG Series Part-VII
The longest series up to date going on. Next is WDG 5 (Bheem). This is Indian Railways’ latest attempt at high powered diesel locomotives...

WDG Series Part-VI
VIJAY! or WDG 4D. New era arrived. The WDP4D is the latest entrant to the Indian Railways’ locomotive fleet. It is India’s first ever...

WDG Series Part-V
WDG 4. This locomotive was a boon for Indian Railways! Their looks, stance and power were intimidating (at least from one end) and were...

WDG Series Part-IV
Next engine is WDG 3D. Only one locomotive named WDG 3D was produced in the year of 2001. It supposedly had 3400 hp engine power, better...

WDG Series Part-III
Next is WDG 3C. Same as of the case of WDG 2. It was an experiment to incerase the power but unfortunately it was unsuccessful. Only one...

WDG Series Part-II
Next loco in this series is WDG 3B. It was a experiment didn’t work out because there is no record of any locomotives of this class today...

WDG Series Part-I
There is surprisingly no locomotive classified WDG1 on Indian Railways. However, there is evidence enough to believe that a WDG1 class...

WDP Series Part-V
WDP 4D. The WDP4B with its tweaked GM engine got a facelift with the WDP4D. After numerous complaints from loco pilots, engineers, media...

WDP Series Part-IV
So the next loco in this category is WDP 4B. Though classified WDP and designed to overcome the shortcomings of the WDP 4, the WDP 4B is...

WDP Series Part-III
Next locomotive is WDP 3A. The locomotive WDM 2 was later renamed as WDP 3A. This blog would be lengthy so I have divided this blog into...

WDP Series Part-II
Next locomotive is WDP 2. It was a new 3100 hp dedicated passenger diesel loco. Twin full-forward cabs, streamlined design, Alco 251-C...