Now comes WCG 1. The WCG1s were were brothers of the WCP1, brought to India along with the EA/1 from the same manufacturers in 1928, making them the earliest electric locos in the country along with the WCP1. They were to be dedicated freight locos and were classified EF/1 by GIPR. Their two extended “bonnets” on both ends and general low-slung stance together with the cowcatcher made the EF/1 look like a Crocodile, which prompted the Swiss to nickname them so. Around the Mumbai area they were known as “Khekda” (crab). They were legendary for pulling long, heavy freights up and down the Ghats without breaking a sweat, thanks to their high starting tractive force of 30.4 tonnes, double that of the EA/1 and just 3 tonnes less than the WAM4! They also had features like articulated bodies (which could bend!) and regenerative breaking making tight ghat curves a breeze. Their production was between 1928 to 1929. 41 units were produced in this time period.